Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Time Machine: A Robot Friend (By Nick Mitchell)

        After talking to Josh for several minutes, I was aware that he did not know. He did not know about the horrific civil war that took place back in 2044. With his memory erased from traveling through time and space, he had absolutely no recollection of the panic and turmoil that plagued the human race. I fought bravely alongside fellow humans to try and stop the inevitable. At the onset of the war, we as humans knew our time on Earth was coming to an end. The robots were bigger,stronger, and utilized technology that surpassed ours by millions of years. Within a year the robots had complete control of Earth, and for me, I was captured and converted into one of their own. Knowing that my loyalty still remains with humanity, the robots will never trust me. They provide me with very little opportunity to be successful in this new life, for fear of rebellion or tyranny. However, with the arrival of Josh, I begin plotting a way to restore the existence of human life. During my brief conversation with Josh, he eluded to some time traveling mechanism located in the basement of the old campus library. If i could somehow travel back in time to warn the humans of what was to come, perhaps I could save humanity.

Over the next few days I began preparing myself for a voyage back in time. With my plan carefully mapped out, I made my way to the campus. Upon entering the time traveling capsule, I could not help but notice the outdated technology. Desperately hoping the capsule could still send me back in time, I closed my eyes and pressed a button.
Violently, the capsule began to shake and the lights flashed. Dazed from the euphoric trip, I opened the capsule to find a familiar sight, the basement of the Owen Library. A loud commotion came from the other side of the room. I stepped out of the capsule and my heart sunk upon the sound of my footsteps. The distinct sound of metal upon the tile floor echoed throughout the room, I was still a machine. I knew the humans would not believe my story, for they were in the midst of a disputed investigation to find Josh. I turned the corner to a room cluttered with video cameras and CIA operatives, my plan had been ruined. Before i could explain myself, the CIA had me detained, and the cameras caught every second. The chief CIA agent on the investigation introduced himself as Agent Gretok. He explained how his men would take me back to their headquarters in Washington, DC for further interrogation, while he remained at the library to gather more intelligence on the situation.

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